Ageing or aging is the process of becoming older. aging represents the accumulation of changes in a human being over time, encompassing physical, psychological, and social changes. Reaction time, for example, may slow with age, while knowledge of world events and wisdom may expand. Aging is among the greatest known risk factors for most human diseases: of the roughly 150,000 people who die each day across the globe, about two thirds die from age-related causes.
In other words, aging is the impact of time on the human body, and it occurs on multiple levels:
- Cellular aging. Cells age based on the number of times they have replicated. A cell can replicate about 50 times before the genetic material is no longer able to be copied accurately, which is due to shortened telomeres. The more damage done to cells by free radicals and other factors, the more cells need to replicate.
- Hormonal aging. Hormones play a huge factor in aging, especially during childhood growth and adolescent maturity. Hormone levels fluctuate through life. Puberty brings acne and larger pores. As we get older, hormonal changes lead to dry skin and menopause.
- Accumulated damage. Accumulated damage is all external. Exposure to toxins, the sun, harmful foods, pollution, and smoke take a toll on the body. Over time, these external factors can lead to tissue damage and the body falls behind in its ability to maintain and repair cells, tissues, and organs.
- Metabolic aging. As you go about your day, your cells are constantly turning food into energy, which produces byproducts that can be harmful. The process of metabolizing and creating energy results in damage to the body over time. Some believe that slowing down the metabolic process through practices such as calorie restriction may slow aging in humans.
Aging Prevention
As previously mentioned: aging can’t be avoided. That being said, there are several measures you can take regardless of your age that can turn back your biological clock and help you live longer
- Eat well. Within the past few decades, processed foods have become an increasingly larger part of our diets. Added sugar, salt, and fat are all wreaking havoc on our bodies, leading to a multitude of serious health issues, including cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Do yourself a favor and eat well. As a general rule of thumb, if you have to open it to eat it, you shouldn’t be eating it. Read labels. Cut out sugary drinks and white starches, and incorporate more fruits, vegetables, fiber, and lean proteins.
- Don’t smoke. If you’re a smoker, you’ve likely struggled with quitting, but don’t give up. Quitting smoking improves circulation and blood pressure, and drastically reduces your risk of developing cancer.
- Exercise. You might not be meeting the recommended 30 minutes of activity a day, 5 days a week, but the good news is that even just 15 minutes of moderate activity a day can improve longevity. Walk the dog, ride a bike or take a fitness class. Any activity is better than none at all.
- Socialize. Socialization keeps us young and does wonders for longevity. Maintain good, healthy relationships with others. Stay connected to the ones you love and make it a point to meet new people.
- Get sleep. Ignore the saying “you’ll sleep when you’re dead.” You need sleep, regardless of the relationship you have with it. Get a good night of sleep every night and you’ll reduce your risk of heart disease and lower your stress levels.
- Don’t stress. Stress, anger and holding onto grudges can be very damaging. If you work to reduce your stress levels now, you’ll thank yourself later. Incorporate meditation or journaling into your day-to-day and give yourself a break.
- Use Dr.SOS. Dr. SOS contain vitamin E, a effective antioxidant that may slow aging that free radicals. Also, a study found that applying topical vitamin D and vitamin E cream could help with atopic dermatitis.

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